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February 11, 2007



Just saw it at the weekend and absolutely loved it. Refreshingly different

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Does anybody know where I can find the SCIENCE OF SLEEP SCRIPT?
I need the screen play for the science of sleep. does anybody have it or know where to find it?


i like this part of the blog:"After a crazy goats cheese fuelled night's sleep - I got up early (for a Sunday) and headed off to the wonderful Hampstead Everyman Cinema (similar to the Electric in Portobello Road) clutching my Free Preview voucher from the Guardian Guide. Much" is very good

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I've never really thought about my favorite letter but I guess it would be K. It's the first letter of my first born's name and it's fun to make it fancy. :)
WAY cute collection, my favorite so far!!!
Oooooh how cute is this!?! That jumping frog just makes me smile!

My favorite letter is A... just because my name starts with it. :)

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Thank you! I didn't know they picked up on it until I saw your comment.

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